Dear You,
If you are reading this, then it is highly likely that you have some interest in travelling internationally. Maybe you are curious because you haven’t traveled to a new country yet but think you want to try, or maybe you already have and are looking for new tips or some motivation to kick you into gear for planning your next world adventure. Or, maybe you just heard about this new travel blog from a friend or family member who would like you to travel. Or maybe you're my mom (hi mom!) who is reading to show me some support in my life, like you always have. Who knows. The point is that if you’re reading this right now, then there is a reason for it.
I am starting this website with intent to make world travel experiences accessible and easy to book for Americans who want to travel to a different country. It may be particularly helpful for those in midlife who are curious about travel and want to give it a go, but aren’t sure where to start. Researching travel and finding that great experience to match your interests, budget and time available is not easy. While the internet is a handy research tool, it can also be information overload. It might make a person feel more overwhelmed than inspired or confident to commit to new travel experiences. I’ve thought about this for many years now, as I’ve helped friends and family members sort through their trip plans and vacation ideas.
Now, I am taking the plunge to expand out and create resources to help more people, and if you are reading this then thank you for joining me on this journey.
Curious, can you relate to any of the statements below?
After hearing other people’s travel stories, do you respond with things like:
1) "I wish I could travel, but I can't because of ________ (work, family, money, time, etc.)
2) “I’d love to travel but ______ (husband, wife, best friend, boyfriend, etc.) doesn’t want to”
3) “you’re lucky that you get to travel”
When a friend or family member shares travel stories or pictures, do you:
4) respond to their travel story by telling them of somebody else you know that went to that same place
5) feel envious, jealous, or annoyed
6) think that they are bragging, not sharing
7) wonder what special circumstance or resource helps them to travel
8) wonder what you might be missing out on by not traveling too
9) get curious about their trip, because maybe you could take that trip too
10) have at least one idea, place or thing that you’d like to experience in this world that you have't yet
If even one statement rings true, then you are a person who will probably benefit the most out of reading this and connecting with me. And the more points that resonate, the stronger the fit because you are the person who will go from “I want to” to “I went to” and will in the end feel empowered by your actions.
Important: While I am entirely convinced that travel is possible for many Americans, please know that I am also sincere in saying that I don't want to make you feel bad if you haven’t done much travel yet. Instead, I just think that you should to try it now. Because you still can.
I want to encourage you to book an airplane ticket so that this time next year you won’t be saying "I haven't done that yet" and instead you're saying "I went to Italy and the colosseum in Rome is amazing, have you seen it yet?” or you post your travel picture to Facebook with a comment like, “It was cool to stand inside the Roman coliseum where so much history happened. I’ve always loved gladiator movies!”
Because you need to be that person. You really do. Be the person with travel stories and photos based on your real memories and experiences. Because I hear the regret in the voice of that other person, you know, the one who hasn’t been to Rome or any other cool destination on their travel bucket list yet.
So to summarize, I really, really want to help people see the world. And that includes you. I think it's empowering, it's interesting, it's frustrating and it's something that you just might fall in love with. On your part, I do have a request and in the infamous words of Jerry MacGuire "Help me, help you." If you let me know what you're interested in maybe I can put some content out there which helps you, and maybe others too. Or if you're looking to plan a trip, tell me things you like to see and where you think you might want to go and perhaps I can help you find and choose something awesome?
Yours Truly,
Laura H.