RT Seattle to Vietnam in May $700
Korean Air seems to have good prices on flights between Seattle and Vietnam for travel in May. Fares between Seattle and Hanoi in May are around $700 round trip on select dates. Pair this good airfare with a travel package for an interesting trip that will give you interesting memories and photos to smile about for years to come. See the Zozi Vietnam & Cambodia 2 week package blog post for one great idea of what you could do.
Sample Travel Date
Seattle to Hanoi, May 11-15 $700 Link to this flight search on Google Flights for multiple purchase options
​Interested? Act Fast. Please note that while this fare is valid at time of posting, if this post is more than two days old, the fare is likely gone.
To find this fare & other deals
Search Google flights 'RT Seattle to Hanoi' for this and more dates and prices.
This is just a SAMPLE of travel dates and pricing options