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Review: Edinburgh Castle + 18 Photos & 15 Recommendations

Who doesn't feel impressed by a stone castle? Or a tour in the history books of a place?

To explain the impact of Edinburgh Castle to someone from the Seattle area, it compares to what Mt. Rainier is to us. It is a stunning, commanding element that is always present, whether we notice it daily or not. And sometimes when we notice it unexpectedly on those clear days, or when the sunlight is just right, it can impress us all over again.

During my visit to Scotland's famous Edinburgh Castle, I well documented my presence inside with pictures proving that I was there; stone walls, walkways, prisons, apartments, cannons, and the respectful presence of remembering clans/families/sacrifices.

That said, some of my more impactful moments about Edinburgh Castle were not when I was inside as a tourist, but instead on those moments when I was just walking around the city.

Edinburgh Castle: Enjoy the outside moments too

Many of my "aha" inspiring moments happened when I was doing something else and looked up when that eye-magnet of a castle commanded my attention. They were not the moments when I was surrounded be selfie-taking tourists inside the castle grounds.

I noticed in the paused moments while walking Prince and Castle streets near sunset, and when walking through Princes Park on a sunny afternoon while kids played. I felt its presence while walking the grounds of St. Cuthbert's Parish, then stopped to stare at the somber aged tombstones clustered at the base viewpoint of castle rock. While the visual of that moment may have been captured by my camera lens, I am certain that the feeling of mixed serenity, respect of history and sheer awe of the place energizing the air will not be felt by simply looking at my pictures taken.

Edbinburgh Castle: Is it worth it pay and go inside?

YES, you should go see it for sure. If you have the time while in Edinburgh, go inside and ponder Scotland's historic past from inside the castle, it's worth it.

Edinburgh Castle is very impressive... truly. But, it is also very crowded with people, even in early April on a mid-week Wednesday. You might discover that from the outside you will happen upon some more relaxing and photo worthy castle moments too.



1) Laura’s List: Edinburgh Castle

  1. Enjoy the castle from the outside: Princes Park & the cemetery at St. Cuthberts

  2. Cannons: Lots of them inside and with cool city view peep holes

  3. Dog Cemetery: Awww… the Scots are dog lovers too

  4. Walking the grounds in general, such a sense of space and time

  5. Edinburgh city views from all sides: Particularly impactful view over St. Cuthberts

  6. That big cannonball: It just kept grabbing my attention

2) A Guidebook List of Edinburgh Castle Sights

  1. Gateway Entry Area: w/Statues of Robert the Bruce & William Wallace

  2. St. Margaret’s Chapel: Oldest surviving building in Edinburgh

  3. Mons Meg: A big seige gun

  4. Crown Square: w/Scottish War Memorial in the plaza

  5. Castle Vaults: Interesting exhibit about Prisoners of War

  6. Royal Palace: Clan history & see the Scottish Crown Jewels

  7. Royal Apartments: Cool huge fireplaces & the bedchamber of Mary, Queen of Scots

  8. Military Exhibits: I didn’t explore these, but there are a couple of them

  9. The One O’Clock Gun


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